
Jakarta, February 7, 2024 – The civil society organization Link-AR Borneo in collaboration with Trend Asia and Forest Watch Indonesia held a Discussion and Media Briefing on Energy Transition with the theme “The Future of West Kalimantan’s Natural Forests” in Pontianak, on Wednesday (31/01/2024) morning. Mitigation of forest protection as an effort to reduce emissions from the forestry and land…

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Jakarta, February 5, 2024 – Three vice presidential candidates for the 2024 – 2029 Presidential Election have presented their ideas and concepts in the fourth debate held on Sunday, January 21, 2024, at the Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC) Senayan Jakarta. FWI captured an interesting moment during the debate, when candidate number 03, Mahfud MD, was asked about illegal mining and…

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Civil Society Organization Stance on Bioenergy Policy in Indonesia Jakarta, January 21, 2023 – Ahead of the fourth vice presidential debate to be held tonight, civil society organizations represented by Traction Energy Asia, Trend Asia and Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) are calling on the 2024 presidential and vice presidential candidates to truly realize a low-emission and just energy transition. This…

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aru island

Jakarta, December 15th, 2023 To: Minister of Forestry and Environment (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia Governor of Maluku Province The #SaveAru Coalition, comprised of civil society organization activists, women, youth and students, indigenous peoples, and local communities in the Aru Islands, rejects the investment plans for Business Permit for Utilization of Forest (PBPH) by PT Wana Sejahtera Abadi (WSA),…

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Jakarta, October 8th, 2023. The Civil Society Coalition for a New Paradigm of Conservation urges KLHK (Ministry of Forestry and Environment) and DPR RI (RI House of Representative) not to simply revise Law 5 of 1990 concerning KSDAHE. The KSDAHE Bill which is currently being discussed by Commission IV House of Representative, Ministry of Forestry and Environment and Committee II…

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22/06/2022, An open letter signed by at least 50 institutions was finally handed over to Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen, and some members of their respective cabinets. The letter aims to urge the commission to raise our great concern about the lack of consideration of the specific needs of smallholders and communities in the Global…

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Indonesia is entering a political year. In just over a month, the regional elections, which were attended by 270 regions, were held on December 9, 2020. Total 229 of them are coastal areas and small islands, which are still shadowed by problems caused by extractive industries, including palm oil plantations, timber plantations, and mining, tourism industry, and reclamation that hit…

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Civil Society Coalition Press ReleaseTwo Years of Presidential Instruction on Palm Oil Moratorium:Government Needs to “Step on the Gas” to Improve Palm Oil Governance [Jakarta, 20 September 2020] September 2020, Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Policy No. 8 of 2018 concerning Postponement and Evaluation of Oil Palm Plantation Permits and Increasing Productivity of Oil Palm Plantations, or what is known as the…

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  Until now, there is no comprehensive legal umbrella to ensure that the rights of indigenous peoples are fulfilled. The Draft Bill on Indigenous Peoples is expected to protect the existence and the rights of indigenous peoples, which has been discussed since 2009 and has not yet been passed.   In 2020, the People’s Representative Council (DPR) re-submit the draft…

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Jakarta, March 26, 2020 – The coalition of civil society in monitoring the implementation of the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) sent an open letter to The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Friday, 20/3/2020). The civil society asked the president to immediately instruct the revocation or revision of the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 15 of 2020…

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Jakarta, September 30th 2019. Deforestation is no longer a taboo word in Indonesia’s forest management. It often silted and covered under the banner of “development” interest. The continued loosing of forest in some area has been proved to have major impact on local community life sustainability, especially those who live in or around the forest. However, the State often neglects…

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