
Frans Jat Ganobal, a man about 50 years old from the Ganobal clan in Lorang, Aru Tengah District, has a typical appearance of Eastern Indonesian descent. Calmly steering his “kedo-kedo” or a bout made of fiber propelled by a small outboard motor using solar fuel. His kedo-kedo moves forward not too fast, navigates along the narrow straits between islands, slightly…

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Balancing the Ecosystem Conserving Nature and People’s Welfare (SELARAS) is a program aimed at promoting good practices conducted by community groups in forest and land management. SELARAS selects locations where communities are dependent on forest resources in Indonesia. Forest governance must ensure that forest resources provide access and rights for communities/indigenous peoples. It should also provide equal opportunities for communities/indigenous…

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Semakin rusaknya kondisi lingkungan hidup di Indonesia secara nyata telah dirasakan oleh sebagian masyarakat. Beberapa bukti nyata seperti bencana-bencana alam yang berkaitan erat dengan kondisi lingkungan semakin sering terjadi. Kebakaran hutan yang kerap menimbulkan polutan asap setiap tahunnya, banjir yang semakin diterima publik sebagai kenormalan kondisi lingkungan, kekeringan, tanah longsor, dan lain sebagainya. Bahkan jika kita menganalisa data BPNP terkait…

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Public information dispute between Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) and Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency has not finished until this time. At the trial on December 14, 2016, State Administrative Court stated that FWI won the objection submitted to the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency. Copy of Decision No. 2/G/KI/2016/PTUN-JKT dated December 23, 2016, are…

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