“Critical note about the loss of natural forests in Indonesia” Since the last few decades, natural forests in Indonesia have continued to experience serious deforestation (loss of natural forest cover) and have experienced a decline in both quantity and quality. The condition of natural forests in 2017 was an accumulation of weak forest governance that occurred from time to time.…

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_Balikpapan Bay

Review and Input for East Kalimantan Province RZWP3K Improvement Balikpapan Bay (version 11 March 2020) East Kalimantan is one of the provinces with rich forest resources and diversity of flora and fauna including marine biodiversity. Balikpapan Bay is one of the important seascapes in East Kalimantan. From ecological standpoint, the bay has high biodiversity as it is where rivers from…

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In recent times, the issue of Papua has returned to the public. Through the momentum of the death of George Floyd, an American citizen of African descent. The hashtag #Blacklivematters is considered to raise awareness to stop racism against black people, including what happens to Indigenous Papuans. For anyone who is following the current developments in Papua, of course these…

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In these times of distress amid this Covid-19 pandemic, the East Kalimantan Province Government and Parliament are instead pushing to pass the Provincial Bill on Coastal Zone and Small Island Zonation Plan (RZWP3K) that will seize the living space of coastal communities and destroy coastal and seascapes. The Special Committee is aiming to hold a hearing on 16 June 2020…

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Jakarta, March 26, 2020 – The coalition of civil society in monitoring the implementation of the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) sent an open letter to The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Friday, 20/3/2020). The civil society asked the president to immediately instruct the revocation or revision of the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 15 of 2020…

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Mendorong Perbaikan Tata Kelola Hutan Berbasis KPH

Forest Management Unit (FMU) is the spearhead of forest management at the site level in the Republic of Indonesia. Conceptually, the presence of FMU replaces the portion of forest management from forest administrator to forest manager. Thus, it is expected to be able to solve the problems that have been collided among actors (society, country, company). For example, the overlapping…

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_Keterbukaan Informasi

“There is a Public Information Law that obliges the government institutions to open all information that is not the state’s secret. Right to Cultivate is not the state’s secret—no Right to Cultivate to be concealed by the government. You have the right to request the data. If the government refuses it, they can be put on trial with adjudication to…

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Press Release Information Dispute between National Land Agency Regional Office of East Kalimantan and Indigenous People of Muara Tae is getting protracted. Information dispute related Right to Cultivate of two palm oil plantation companies operated in Traditional Territory of Muara Tae, PT. Borneo Surya Mining Jaya and PT. Munte Wniq Jaya Perkasa. The Right to Cultivate permit of two companies…

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“COMPOSING THE STANZA OF NATIONAL ANTHEM” – PROF. HARIADI KARTODIHARDJO 2018 S’lamatlah ra’jatnja, S’lamatlah poetranja, Pulaunja. Lautnja, semuanja, Madjulah Negerinja, Madjulah pandunja, Oentoek Indonesia Raja. (Indonesia Raya Song, Stanza III) Starting from the compassion, seeing the scattered meaningful thoughts. Then, encounter the intentions and goals; Writer and Editor Team. Important book compilations and extensive publications. However, textual texts remain important…

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