ENERGY TRANSITION A NEW THREAT TO THE NATURAL FORESTS OF INDONESIA SELENGKAPNYA FWI x MONGABAY INDONESIA SELENGKAPNYA REVEALING THE SECRET OF IKN THROUGH JOURNALISM WHAT IS NOT DISCLOSED TO THE PUBLIC ABOUT THE CAPITAL CITY RELOCATION (IKN) ? "The importance of a gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) perspective in sustainable forest management" TRANSFORMATION THE MANAGEMENT OF INDONESIA'S FORESTS MORE DETAILS Deforestasi papua The last stronghold of natural forests in Indonesia. Together, we protect what remains. join us #TimurIndonesia Omnibus Law passed, forests become commodities! #sudahcukup Indonesian Forest Officially up for Sale! The priod from 2013 to 2017 "Injustice Behind Deforestation" MORE DETAILS STATE OF INDONESIAN FOREST


Papua Islands had suffered deforestation as much as 1.886.541Ha during 2000-2017, with a shocking speed of 108.093Ha/year. The size of forest area in Papua was 35.006.055Ha in 2000, it reduced to 34.473.389Ha in 2009, and reduced again to 33.811.621 in 2013. Finally, there is only 33.119.514 Ha of Papua forest left back in 2017.
Bali -Nusra
Nusa Tenggara Islands had suffered deforestation as much as 1.363.416Ha during 2000-2017, with a shocking speed of 78.375Ha/year. The size of forest area in Nusa Tenggara was 2.240.910Ha in year 2000, it then reduced to 1.406.543Ha in 2009, and reduced again to 1.261.504Ha in 2013. Finally, there is only 877.494Ha of Nusa Tenggara forest left back in 2017.
Moluccas Islands had suffered deforestation as much as 1.365.385Ha during 2000-2017, with a shocking speed of 76.232Ha/year. The size of forest area in Moluccas was 5.880.802Ha in 2000, it reduced to 5.256.738Ha in 2009, and reduced again to 5.058.983Ha in 2013. Finally, there is only 33.119.514 Ha of Moluccas forest left back in 2017.
Sulawesi Island had suffered deforestation as much as 2.589.091Ha during 2000-2017, with a shocking speed of 144.963Ha/year. The size of forest area in Sulawesi was 10.768.513Ha in 2000, it reduced to 9.318.071Ha in 2009, and reduced again to 9.128.560Ha in 2013. Finally, there is only 8.179.422Ha of Sulawesi forest left back in 2017.
Kalimantan Islands had suffered deforestation as much as 8.399.959Ha during 2000-2017, with a shocking speed of 490.540Ha/year. The size of forest area in Kalimantan was 33.234.711Ha in 2000, it reduced then to 28.358.386Ha in 2009, and reduced again to 26.886.772Ha in 2013. Finally, there is only 24.834.752Ha of Kalimantan forest left back in 2017.
Java Islands had suffered deforestation as much as 2.050.645Ha during 2000-2017, with a shocking speed of 125.460Ha/year. The size of forest area in Java was 2.956.530Ha in 2000, it then reduced to 1.366.715Ha in 2009, and reduced again to 1.035.925Ha in 2013.Finally there is only 905.885Ha of Java forest left back in 2017.
Sumatera Islands had suffered deforestation as much as 5.923.886Ha during 2000-2017, with a shocking speed of 355.730Ha/year. The size of forest area in Sumatera was 16.323.900Ha in year 2000, it then reduced to 12.901.545Ha in 2009, and reduced again to 11.372.920Ha in 2013. Finally, there is only 10.400.014Ha of Sumatra forest left back in 2017.


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