
Donate Now Help us protect Our Mother Nature. Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) is an independent organization committed to campaigning to protect Indonesia’s environment. With the policy of not receiving financial…

Our Campaign

#It is Enough -No Forest No Happiness- The word “Enough” is representative of the conditions and various kinds of forest problems in Indonesia today. Where, deforestation (forest loss) continues at…

About Us

– About Us – In 1997, Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) was established. A period during which all data, information, and forest management were conducted privately. Due to this circumstance, not…


Forest Map Online Library Forest Class Follow Us on Social Media Youtube Facebook Twitter Instagram Soundcloud ABOUT INDONESIAN FOREST PapuaPapua Islands had suffered deforestation as much as 1.886.541Ha during 2000-2017,…

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News Ngaso NGASO (Ngobrol Santai Sambil Ngopi) is a regular discussion activity organized by Forest Watch Indonesia. The activity which is held every 2 weeks with a casual discussion format…


News Press Release Press Release CSO Coalition_Inpres Moratorium Sawit Civil Society Coalition Press ReleaseTwo Years of Presidential Instruction on Palm Oil Moratorium:Government Needs to “Step on the Gas” to Improve…

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