Deforestation and Social Conflict Continues to Occur, Government Must Strengthen the Sustainable Forest Management System Jakarta, 28 February 2018. FWI explained that in three periods, 718.000 hectares of natural forests had vanished in North Sumatra, East Kalimantan, and North Maluku. Every hour, 42 football-field-sized natural forests have vanished in three provinces. JPIK study of 296 IUIPHHK-HA and HT Sustainable Production…

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Legal Review Information Request that is Not Sincere and in a Good Faith (Vexatious Request) By: Dessy Eko Prayitno[1] PRELIMINARY Request for Information Dispute The data of information disputes from the Central Information Commission (KIP) shows that from 2010 until 2017, KIP has received 2724 requests of information dispute resolution. Therefore, from 2724 requests, it was just 901 information disputes…

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Jakarta, February 12, 2018 – More than 30 thousand people urged the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency, Sofyan Djalil, to obey the Supreme Court’s decision through petition. In the petition initiated by the Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI), the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency, Sofyan Djalil, was considered not to obey the…

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Gambar Perubahan Fungsi di Hulu DAS CIliwung

Bogor, 6 February 2018. The claim of the Puncak area as a protected area is being put to trial again. Deforestation, spatial planning, and licensing violations in the Puncak area suspected to influence the occurrence of floods and landslides around Bogor-Jakarta.   The Puncak area has experienced massive forest and land damage for decades. FWI analysis showed, between 2000-2016,  ​​as…

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“So PT. Borneo Surya Mining Jaya is destroying the forest, destroying the rights of the indigenous people of Muara Tae, intimidating, pressuring the Muara Tae community not to defend the land, ”said Petrus Asuy, Muara Tae’s traditional leader.   It has been 46 years that Petrus Asuy and other Muara Tae indigenous peoples have defended their customary territories from seizure…

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Bogor, December 9, 2017. Indonesian Forest Expo 2017 was an event that became a stage for Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) to tell the portrait of Indonesia’s forest conditions. For seventeen years, FWI monitoring Indonesian forest conditions where the never-ending forestry sector problems caused the deterioration of Indonesian forest quality and quantity. In Forexpo 2017, FWI presented these never-ending problems through…

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land law bill

At this point, the Indonesian Parliament under Commission II is preparing a Land Bill to be discussed with the Government. The Indonesian Parliament has submitted the Land Bill and academic papers since July 18th, 2016, and has been discussing it with the Indonesian authority. Starting in May 2017, the discussion of this land bill quickened. Minister of Agrarian Affairs and…

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Puncak Bogor

Puncak area in Bogor Regency holds vital role for its surrounding areas with lower altitudes. The whole area is the upstream region of main watersheds: Ciliwung, Cisadane, Kali Bekasi, and Citarum rivers. More specifically, Puncak protected forest area is the main water provider for 3 watersheds: Ciliwung, Kali Bekasi, and Citarum, which irrigate main agricultural lands in West Java; Jonggol…

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