draft bill on Indigenous Peoples

Jakarta, 9 September 2020 – The coalition of CSO and Civil Society of Assisting the Draft Bill on Indigenous Peoples ask the People’s Representative Council (DPR) to pass the bill immediately. The Ministry of ATR/BPN Republic of Indonesia, The Ministry of Social Services, Coordinating Ministry on Human Development and Culture, and Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, as the government representatives…

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FWI’s input for the draft MOA on the Implementation of Sustainable Palm Oil Plantation Certification On March 13, 2020, President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Regulation No. 44 of 2020 concerning the Certification System for Sustainable Palm Oil Plantations in Indonesia. Through this policy, the government tries to perfect the implementation of the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Plantation Certification System, which…

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Infrastruktur Di Papua Untuk Siapa?

Many people might think that there is a great mistake since the beginning of this Republic on what Central Government has ever done to Papua and its peoples. Something like stereotyping Papuans as a “primitive” society, over-reducing the problem of the Papuan people always on just economic matters only (ahistorical approach), and overgeneralizing problems in Papua with just one treatment…

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In these times of distress amid this Covid-19 pandemic, the East Kalimantan Province Government and Parliament are instead pushing to pass the Provincial Bill on Coastal Zone and Small Island Zonation Plan (RZWP3K) that will seize the living space of coastal communities and destroy coastal and seascapes. The Special Committee is aiming to hold a hearing on 16 June 2020…

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Case Study: Mangrove Ecosystem in Balikpapan Bay East Kalimantan Mangroves are an ecosystem that occupies the coastal area and small islands in Indonesia. It has a prominent role in mitigating global climate change, and its existence needs to be protected. So far, governance for the mangrove ecosystem has not been handled properly, not well planned, and not involving the cross-sectoral…

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Jakarta, March 26, 2020 – The coalition of civil society in monitoring the implementation of the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) sent an open letter to The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Friday, 20/3/2020). The civil society asked the president to immediately instruct the revocation or revision of the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 15 of 2020…

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Mendorong Perbaikan Tata Kelola Hutan Berbasis KPH

Forest Management Unit (FMU) is the spearhead of forest management at the site level in the Republic of Indonesia. Conceptually, the presence of FMU replaces the portion of forest management from forest administrator to forest manager. Thus, it is expected to be able to solve the problems that have been collided among actors (society, country, company). For example, the overlapping…

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SPATIAL INFORMATION ALTERNATIVES “an urge to be more disclosed” Cultivation Rights Title is one among legal protections granted by the state for a piece of land given to parties, either individually or collectively, and / or a legal entity. State authority in distributing HGU was part of constitutional mandate in regards of regulating and governing land affairs, which in turn will bring…

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Jakarta, September 30th 2019. Deforestation is no longer a taboo word in Indonesia’s forest management. It often silted and covered under the banner of “development” interest. The continued loosing of forest in some area has been proved to have major impact on local community life sustainability, especially those who live in or around the forest. However, the State often neglects…

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