On 16 October 2024, the European Parliament officially adopted a proposal to postpone the implementation of the European Union’s Zero Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) for 12 months, from 30 December 2024 to 30 December 2025. This postponement responds to concerns from member countries, non-EU countries and global business actors related to supply chain readiness to meet regulatory requirements. However, this proposal…

Portrait of Indigenous Peoples participating in the action “Demanding Political Promises for Indigenous Peoples” near the presidential palace – Jakarta. A decade of Joko Widodo’s regime has left a legacy of sins against Indigenous Peoples. This regime has betrayed the 1945 Constitution, gone back on its political promises, and failed to protect the people. There has been no goodwill shown…

AERIAL PORTRAIT OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NUSANTARA CAPITAL CITY 1 The continuation likelihood of the IKN Mega Project in East Kalimantan, Nusantara, is growing stronger. The Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair, advocating for sustainability, currently leads in preliminary assessments based on data from the KPU’s SIREKAP. This commitment to sustainability is feared to overshadow efforts to address the ongoing spatial issues…

Jakarta, February 15, 2024 – Issues of justice and disparities in forest and land ownership have always become political commodities in every change of government. Both during the 2019 election between Prabowo Subianto vs. Joko Widodo, as well as in the last presidential debate on Sunday, February 4th, 2024, which raised themes of Social Welfare, Culture, Education, Information Technology, Health,…

The people of Aru have a long history of tenurial conflicts, fighting against large-scale land investment plans that threaten their living spaces. Since the 1990s, communities have faced corporations exploiting forests and fish resources in Aru. In 2013, the communities strongly refused the plans to make sugarcane plantation which covers almost 70% of Aru’s land area. Finally, in 2018, the…

Biomass accelerates climate change and destroys forest ecosystems In Japan, the co-firing of biomass in coal power plants and conversion of coal-fired power plants to biomass are currently taking place at a rapid pace. Already 31 coal-fired units, or about half of the coal-fired power plants of major power utilities, are co-firing with biomass.1 At least 40 of the renewable…

Breaking Information Asymmetry to Save the Remaining Natural Forests in West Papua Province. The State of Papua Bioregion Forest The Papua bioregion is a biogeographical imaginary line for the eastern region of Indonesia which lies in Sahul plain (Sahul land). This bioregion home to various unique flora and noteworthy fauna, including marsupial mammals such as kangaroos and birds endemic to…

Jakarta, 22 April 2022 –We, the undersigned Indonesian civil society groups, welcome the proposal of the European Union Due Diligence Regulation (EUDDR) which will regulate deforestation-free and forest degradation-free commodities and products. This marks a serious step-change in the response of consumer countries in Europe to the pressing challenges of the climate crisis, including the realization that the European Union’s…

Request for HGU information to the Ministry of ATR/BPN The Application for Information submitted by FWI on September 16, 2015, with detailed information requested is the Business Rights Document (HGU) for plantations in Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and North Kalimantan. Because there was no response from the Ministry of ATR / BPN, on October 5, 2015,…

Deforestation may be literally defined as loss of forest. Thus, it is imperative to clarify the definition of forest as the basis for understanding deforestation. In the Forestry Law, it is stated that forest is a blessing of the almighty God for the nation of Indonesia. It is an invaluable gift, for forests generate and grow naturally in Indonesian soil…

Buka Informasi HGU

In 3 different times, BIJAK and FWI together have the opportunity to obtain information and practices from the Essential Ecosystem Areas management in 3 locations. The first location was Kehati Hutan Pelawan Park, Bangka Tengah, Bangka Belitung, conducted on April 8-12,2019. The second location was Sungai Putri Wildlife for Orangutan – Gunung Tarak – Gunung Palung, Ketapang, West Kalimantan, conducted…