On August 26th 2019 1, President Joko Widodo announced the relocation of the new capital city from DKI Jakarta to East Kalimantan. Jokowi announced that the relocation is a mega project that would take place in the regencies of Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) and Kutai Kartanegara. The new area for the capital city is approximately 133.321 hectares.Simply put, the new capital city area (IKN) is divided into three zones or “rings”. The first ring is 5.644 hectares wide and is called Kawasan Inti Pusat Pemerintahan (central core of the government area), the second ring is 42.000 hectares wide and is called Kawasan Ibu Kota Negara (national capital area, or IKN), and the third ring is 180.965 hectares wide and is called Kawasan Perluasan Ibu Kota Negara (national capital expansion area).
So, the new capital for whom?
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