December 16, 2021 – The Second FGD Series held in West Kalimantan Province takes place in the meeting hall of Hotel Neo Gajah Mada, Pontianak City. Remain with the same theme, “Constructing Synergy between Forest Agency (Local Government) and Independent Forest Monitoring (PI) in TLAS Implementation”. The series of activities that took place was a program supported by the Ford Foundation and coordinated with the General Directorate of Regional Development Sub Directorate Forestry, Ministry of Home Affairs Indonesia.
FGD meetings are held in a hybrid manner (online and offline) and attended by approximately 16 participants from various parties, including Representatives of Directorate General of Regional Development Sub-Directorate Forestry Ministry of Home Affairs, Head of the Forest Products Administration Section of the West Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Agency, Head of Forest Management Unit (KPH) Bengkayang, Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI), Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK)O, and several focal points of JPIK.
For at least three hours, each participant gave a presentation and discussed the implementation of TLAS according to their scope of work. Some important notes in the meeting include:
- Forest Management Unit (KPH) participation is needed in the context of supervision and guidance at the site level, considering that so far, it has been felt to play a less active role in the implementation of TLAS, including synchronization of tasks and functions by latest regulations, namely regulation of the minister of environment and forestry No. 8 2021.
- Limited resources available (HR and budget) in guidance and supervision activities of TLAS implementation in the midst of geographical conditions (distance and terrain).
- Lack of coordination and communication between TLAS independent assessment/verification institutions and the Provincial Forest Agency or only administrative tasks fulfillment.
- Limited information owned by the Provincial Forest Agency, especially information on structuring forest products (e.g., stock opname), since the enactment of new systems and regulations.
- Rate of process and implementation of TLAS still not optimal, especially SME’s that have the potential to export due to lack of socialization, geographical constraints, and funding.
The local government in this case the provincial forest agency and KPH in West Kalimantan are greatly helped by the presence of independent forest monitoring in the area and are expected to collaborate with each other in order to carry out the functions of supervision, guidance, and control of existing forestry licensing units in West Kalimantan province, in accordance with applicable regulations.