December 2, 2021 – Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) in collaboration with the Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK), organized the first series of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) events held at the Agatis Hotel Odua Weston Jambi Hall. The theme raised in the discussion was “Constructing Synergy Between Forest Services (Local Government) and Independent Forest Monitoring in Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) Implementation in Jambi Province”. TLAS is also known as Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas dan Kelestarian (SVLK) in Indonesia. It has undergone several changes along the way especially in terms of laws and regulations.
The discussion that was held became an agenda to introduce the existence and role of Independent Forest Monitoring, while also exploring the important role of Regional Governments in every aspect of the SVLK. So that in the future it will strengthen coordination and synergy between the Independent Forest Monitoring (PI) and the Regional Government (in this case the Forestry Agency) and emphasize the role of the Regional Government itself in the implementation of the SVLK.
The event was opened with a speech by JPIK National Dynamicator, Muhammad Ichwan, while participants at the FGD event were,
Jambi Provincial Forest Agency, Jambi Forest Management Unit (KPH), Production Forest Management Agency (BPHP), and JPIK Focal Point. The event was also attended by the Head of Directorate General of Regional Development Sub Directorate Forestry, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ms. Dyah Sih Irawati, S.Si., M.A. who became the director of the FGD. In her directive speech she stated some important points as follows:
- The duties and functions of the Directorate General of Regional Development in order to oversee the implementation and policy of SVLK.
- Independent Forest Monitoring and local government are two important components in the implementation of SVLK, therefore both must be weaved a synergy; They need each other and strengthen each other.
- Local Governments need to pay special attention to the strengthening of SVLK at the site or unit level.
- The implementation of SVLK is expected to suppress cases of illegal logging that have occurred.
Meanwhile, the discussions that took place resulted in various positive inputs from both the Local Government and the participants related to the implementation of SVLK, including:
- Insight into the characteristics and conditions of Timber Forest Product Primary Industries (IPHHK) in Jambi, including various forest management problems, as well as concrete steps that have been taken by local governments in order to solve existing problems.
- The proposed participation of JPIK focal points in due diligence meetings is feasible in both opening and closing events. Including the willingness of local governments in providing data and information support needed in forest monitoring.
- The need for synchronization of information between institutions, especially the ministry of home affairs and local governments, in order to establish understanding in the implementation of SVLK.
- The reaffirmation of KPH as the main subject of site management and its involvement in SVLK refers to the latest regulation, namely ministerial regulation no. 8 2021.
- SME assistance and guidance in order to obtain SVLK, and build collaborative activities between JPIK and local governments in the implementation of SVLK.
The implementation of FGD is one of the series of activities in the program supported by the Ford Foundation, and in coordination with the Directorate General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs. Similar FGD meetings will be held in several provinces, namely, Aceh, West Kalimantan, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, and Riau. In addition, there are also technical training and reporting activities for civil society / customary groups in order to increase capacity and strengthen forest monitoring nodes.