Function Loss of Protected Areas in Puncak, Bogor

Puncak area in Bogor Regency holds vital role for its surrounding areas with lower altitudes. The whole area is the upstream region of main watersheds: Ciliwung, Cisadane, Kali Bekasi, and Citarum rivers. More specifically, Puncak protected forest area is the main water provider for 3 watersheds: Ciliwung, Kali Bekasi, and Citarum, which irrigate main agricultural lands in West Java; Jonggol and Kelapa Nunggal in Bogor Regency and mainly rice fields in Pantura area (Bekasi and Karawang regencies).

Law No. 26/ 2008 about National Spatial Plan mentioned that Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tanggerang, Bekasi, Puncak and Cianjur (Jabodetabekpunjur) region was appointed as National Strategic Area (Kawasan Strategis Nasional, KSN). Furthermore, as mentioned in article 75e, this KSN appointment was based on the region’s environmental function and carrying capacity which wasexplained more specifically in article 80; “… to provide protection of water use balance which (without it), may cause national loss annually”.

Moreover, Presidential Decree No. 54/2008 about Regional Spatial Planning for Jabodetabekpunjur, article 2, paragraph 1b stated that one of the main purposes of this region spatial planning is to manifest sustainable environmental carrying capacity in area man agement
to ensure surface water and soil conservation and overcome flood . Regional development must guarantee the aspects mentioned above by considering sustainable environmental carrying capacity in area management (article 8b).

Technically the main embodiment of Presidential Decree No. 54/2008, which was derived from Law No. 26/2008, can be achieved if protected, protected forest, and water infiltration areas (Chapter I, article 1, and paragraph 6, 7, and 8) have specified scope in regulations derived from it.


Function Loss of Protected Areas in Puncak, Bogor

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