Aru Islands

Monika Maritjie Kailey, commonly known as Monik, is a female indigenous advocate from the Aru Islands, Maluku, Indonesia. She was born in the remote village of Fatlabata on Koba Island, known for its seaweed, fish, salted fish, and mangrove crabs. The Aru Islands are located in eastern Indonesia, specifically in Maluku Province. This region comprises 832 small islands with a…

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Transshipment Process of Wood Pellets to Foreign Vessels The increase in wood pellet exports from Indonesia has drawn attention in recent months, particularly following the capture of the foreign vessel, MV Lakas, by the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla RI) on August 16, 2024, which was carrying wood pellets from Gorontalo. Wood pellet production has led to deforestation, land degradation,…

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Portrait 1: Transshipment Process of Wood Pellets in Gorontalo Sea. Indonesia, with two-thirds of its territory being ocean, faces significant challenges in maritime surveillance, including the increasingly rampant illegal transshipment occurring offshore. Recently, the foreign vessel MV Lakas was captured by Bakamla RI for carrying wood pellets that were suspected to be illegal in the waters of Gorontalo, which has…

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Land clearing activities in the natural forest concession of PT. BTL are being used for wood pellet production. The practice of wood pellet illegal exports from Gorontalo has become a critical issue highlighted by Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI). This practice contributes to massive deforestation. Done by exploiting forests, which also linked to international market supply chains, particularly in South Korea…

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Hutan bakau dan terumbu karang di Pulau Gam, Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Foto: Anemone melalui Adobe Stock

Mangrove forest and coral reefs in split shot, Gam Island Raja Ampat Indnonesia. Image credit: Anemone via Adobe Stock Indonesia is home to some of the Earth’s most biodiverse and carbon-rich forests, and 50 to 70 million Indigenous people who rely on these intact ecosystems for their survival. Yet burning wood in biomass power or “co-fired” in coal power plants…

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Karst sagea

Halmahera Island has many natural wonders – volcanoes, small islands, and a rainforest ecosystem with endemic biodiversity. One of these wonders is the Sagea Karst Ecosystem which stretches over 5,174 hectares to the east of Weda Bay, Central Halmahera Regency, Eastern Indonesia. This ecosystem has unique features that have not yet been revealed. Karst Distribution of the Sagea Karst Landform…

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Infrastruktur Di Papua Untuk Siapa?

Many people might think that there is a great mistake since the beginning of this Republic on what Central Government has ever done to Papua and its peoples. Something like stereotyping Papuans as a “primitive” society, over-reducing the problem of the Papuan people always on just economic matters only (ahistorical approach), and overgeneralizing problems in Papua with just one treatment…

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Case Study: Mangrove Ecosystem in Balikpapan Bay East Kalimantan Mangroves are an ecosystem that occupies the coastal area and small islands in Indonesia. It has a prominent role in mitigating global climate change, and its existence needs to be protected. So far, governance for the mangrove ecosystem has not been handled properly, not well planned, and not involving the cross-sectoral…

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