OVERSEEING THE GOVERNANCE OF FOREST AND ENERGY: FWI and the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Mataram Establish Cooperation

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Bogor, May 2, 2024 – The implementation of forest, land, and energy governance related to the management of natural resources is currently being carried out by the state through the granting of rights to forest utilization, forest use, and the release of forest areas through concession permits in the forestry, plantation, and mining sectors. The lack of social control over the centralized licensing system using the online single submission mechanism has resulted in a somewhat closed licensing process. This has implications for risking the existence of natural resources that must be preserved to ensure their sustainability. Therefore, FWI and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram, have established cooperation to oversee the management of natural resources through the approach of good governance.

The publication of the Job Creation Law with various changes and its derivatives is certainly aimed at speeding up the acceleration of licensing and investment facilitation in every sector without exception. Forests and Forest Areas have become commodities prepared with various policy instruments to accommodate land-based interest projects. Even various other projects including energy, food, forests, etc.

The importance of overseeing the implementation of natural resource management in the context of fulfilling the principles of good governance such as transparency, participation, accountability, and law enforcement is well internalized at all stages of input, process, output, and outcomes. One of the principles of good governance can be realized by cutting the root of the problem in management, which is information asymmetry.

Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram (Faperta Unram) in their Cooperation Agreement agreed to support, oversee, and establish sustainability of natural resources in Indonesia. Research is one of the main activities to encourage transparency and uncover gaps between plan and implementation realization. The creation of transparency is expected to encourage more meaningful public participation in the policy decision-making process. These principles are the main foundation in the Cooperation Agreement signed by both parties, aimed at involving the public in efforts to improve forest governance.

The Executive Director of Forest Watch Indonesia, Mufti Fathul Barri, and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram, Dr. Ir. Bambang Dipokusumo, M.Si, have signed a Cooperation Agreement letter on May 2, 2024, at the FWI Office in Bogor. Through this cooperation, both parties agree to carry out joint activities for research and development in the field of environment and forestry.

Faperta Unram, as one of the faculties within the University of Mataram, has 7 undergraduate and master’s degree education programs covering the fields of Agriculture, Forestry, and Marine and Fisheries Science. With 172 lecturers and 3,800 students, Faperta Unram is committed to strengthening cooperation both nationally and internationally in the fields of education, research, and community service.

This agreement will include various activities such as joint research cooperation, field work practice for students, as well as data and information exchange in the forest, land, and energy sectors. This Cooperation Agreement will be valid for the next 3 years.

The Head of FWI’s Communication, Cooperation, and Policy Department, Anggi Putra Prayoga, highlights the importance of the role of universities in overseeing and making efforts to improve forest and energy governance. In the future, the challenges faced in efforts to protect natural resources and prevent deforestation will be intellectual battles. FWI, as an independent organization that promotes transparency in natural resource management, is open to any university to collaborate in creating good governance.

Further information regarding this collaboration can be obtained through the following contacts:

Forest Watch Indonesia
Sempur Kaler Street, No. 62, Sempur Village, Bogor City, West Java
Telephone: (0251) 8333308
E-mail: fwibogor@fwi.or.id
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram
Majapahit Street No 62 Mataram NTB
Telephone: (0370) 621435
The Press Release document can be accessed at the following link:
OVERSEEING THE GOVERNANCE OF FOREST AND ENERGY: FWI and the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Mataram Establish Cooperation
Published: June 6, 2024
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