- About Us -
In 1997, Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) was established. A period during which all data, information, and forest management were conducted privately. Due to this circumstance, not many people knew about the condition of the forest at that time. On the other side, forest degradation is worsening due to inadequate public control and forest governance. Under these conditions, it is vital to handle data and information on forestry in an open manner to enable equitable and sustainable management of forest resources.
Through the “Probela” program, the initiative to establish FWI was born. A program initiated by several non-governmental organizations as part of a civil society effort to monitor forest management activities. This program spawned a network of independent forest monitors whose mission is to conduct more comprehensive monitoring of all forest management practices. This network eventually paved the way for the formation of FWI.
As a dynamic institution, FWI continues to adapt to the changing needs and trends of the times. On July 18, 2014, FWI’s organizational form reverted to Association, after having evolved from a work program to a foundation-style independent organization. It is believed that this change will enable organizational components to contribute to the realization of FWI’s vision, mission, and priority programs. Included among FWI’s priority programs are:
- Forest Conditions and Illegal Activities Monitoring
FWI monitors forest conditions through research, building databases and information, field checks, investigations of forest destruction, analysis of satellite imagery, optimizing monitoring networks, field documentation, etc. This is done to ensure that FWI’s advocacy and campaigns are always based on irrefutable field data. This monitoring enables FWI to inform the public about the true condition of Indonesia’s forests and to identify the actors responsible for deforestation, forest degradation, and social conflicts.
- Advocacy and campaigns promote better forest governance.
FWI’s advocacy and campaigns are always based on field data and facts obtained through monitoring forest conditions. All of this is carried out in order to realize better forest governance through an accessible data and information management system, which will lead to sustainable and equitable forest resource management. In addition, advocacy and campaigns are conducted to alter the behaviour of those responsible for deforestation, forest degradation, and social conflict for the better. In addition to ensuring the recognition and protection of indigenous or local community’s rights.
- Community Participation in Monitoring Forests and Sustainable Forest Management
Indigenous and local communities are directly affected by ineffective forest governance. This circumstance gives indigenous and local communities a crucial role in forest monitoring. In particular, the forest region that has sustained them for generations. FWI continues to provide assistance to local communities and indigenous peoples so that they can independently monitor and protect their territories from the threat of natural resource extraction. Specifically, forest use that results in deforestation, forest degradation, and social conflict. FWI also encourages and assists indigenous and local communities to use forests in a sustainable and equitable manner.
- Promoting Sustainable Forest Management
As a form of support for sustainable forest management, FWI also promotes forest management practices that have been demonstrated to maintain forest sustainability in a given region. Protect and recognize the rights of indigenous peoples, whether through forest management practices incorporating indigenous peoples’ local systems of knowledge or through government forest protection policies.
Contact Us
Secretariat of Forest Watch Indonesia,
Sempur Kaler rd Number 62 Bogor, West Java, 16129, Indonesia
Telp : +62 251 8333 308
Email : fwibogor@fwi.or.id
- Team Forest Watch Indonesia -
Executive Director
Project Manager
Manager Research and Data Information
Staff Research and Data Information
Staff Research and Data Information
Staff Research and Data Information
Staff Research and Data Information
Staff Research and Data Information
Manager Communication, Cooperation and Policy
Staff Communication, Cooperation and Policy
Staff Communication, Cooperation and Policy
Staff Communication, Cooperation and Policy
Manager Economic Development and Human Resources
Staff Economic Development and Human Resources
Staff Economic Development and Human Resources
Manager Finance and Administration
Staff Finance
Staff Finance
Staff Administration
Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff
- Focus of Work Area -
Currently, FWI operates not only on a national scale, but also at the district administrative area level and the lowest institutional level, the site level.
The focus of FWI is on regions with extensive natural forests that are threatened by extractive industry. Currently, we operate in East Kalimantan, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua, and West Papua.
We think that forests are not just a valuable economic resource, but also an integral part of the life support system, which motivates us to maintain and properly utilize forests. For the benefit of current and future generations, let’s preserve and protect and maintain a sustainable and socially inclusive forest.
- Join Us -
Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) provides opportunities for students / students / individuals to learn and develop themselves through direct involvement in the implementation of work / activities carried out by Forest Watch Indonesia through internships at FWI.
Internship Period:
- Apprentices must include the period for which they are proposed for the internship.
- Internships can be held with a minimum period of 1 month
Field / Job Family Specialization Internship:
- Database systems and information
- Campaigns and advocacy related to the issue of forest conditions in Indonesia
- Media and communication (concepts for social media content such as making designs, videos. Events such as discussions, seminars, workshops and others related to the work of the FWI Media and Communication Division)
- Administration of institutions (correspondence, filing, etc. relating to FWI administrative work)
Internship Requirements:
- Cover Letter from University / School / Institution. Includes:
- Information on student / student / individual data (Name, NIM / NIS, Faculty / Study Program / Department, Semester / Class / Name of Institution / Position)
- Duration and Period Internship
- Individual Proposal Includes:
- Complete personal data (CV)
- Motivation Letter (explains the purpose and purpose of the internship, expectations or targets to be achieved)
- Field of interest of work (telling passion or interest in one field of work
- Photocopy of KTP
- Cover Letters and Individual Proposals can be submitted via email: fwibogor@fwi.or.id
Apprentice Rights:
- Obtain an announcement of acceptance / approval for the implementation of the internship.
- Get guidance and job explanation in the implementation of the internship.
- Lunch has been provided by FWI.
- Receive an Internship Certificate after the apprentice has completed all obligations.
- Obtained a certificate having done an internship at FWI.
Obligations of Interns:
- Apprentices must follow the rules that apply during the internship period.
- Participating in internship activities from 09.00 to 17.00 WIB.
Forest Watch Indonesia does not charge anything for the internship. Be careful with scams.
For now, there are no volunteer program available.
At the moment, there are no available job vacancies.

Grievance Mechanism
As a means of enhancing dynamic organizational management, FWI encourages recommendations and criticism from both internal and external organizations. This comprises reports of complaints filed by Internal FWI or by other parties regarding FWI-related activity. To submit a report or complaint, please review FWI’s whistleblowing policy at the link provided below.
Policy on Grievance Mechanism and Reporting Complaints
Form for Complaints of Violation
Form for Filing Complaints
- Tim Forest Watch Indonesia -
Executive Director
Project Manager
Manager Research and Data Information
Staff Research and Data Information
Staff Research and Data Information
Staff Research and Data Information
Staff Research and Data Information
Staff Research and Data Information
Manager Communication, Cooperation and Policy
Staff Communication, Cooperation and Policy
Staff Communication, Cooperation and Policy
Staff Communication, Cooperation and Policy
Manager Economic Development and Human Resources
Staff Economic Development and Human Resources
Staff Economic Development and Human Resources
Manager Finance and Administration
Staff Finance
Staff Finance
Staff Administration
Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff